Pix from a trip

To Belgium, for Wouters thesis; and congratulations to him. Pix are on Flickr once you get past the bonfires.

Now the new line from St Pancreas is in, it takes less than 2 hours to get there, and new posters are splashed all around, some of them quite good.

The one featuring Thatcher, Major and Blair is fun and preserves the proper stereotypes. Major looks like a tw*t; Blair is looking to Major for approval; and only Thatcher is actually going to do anything. Dunno who this is. Being Belgium, the posters are also in Dutch, but I couldn’t read those ones and neither could you 🙂

Looking at people looking at pictures is fun, especially the famous ones. Someone (not these people) went up to this, said to his wife “Ah gee honey this is is sooo famous” and then they promptly walked on with barely a look at the picture. The Belgians are very good about letting you take pix, as long as you don’t use a flash (or a tripod).

St A being tempted by Dali. Close up. Look closely, you can see the grey background going through him. It isn’t an optical illusion: I guess Dali was in a hurry and didn’t have time to prepare the ground for the figure properly.

I even had time to make it to the Grand Place.

Our ancestors were weirdos

And we’re not much better. Some photographic souvenirs of a recent trip to Bruxelles.

From the cathedral of St Michael and St Gudula. A hard-to-believe statue. It looks less rude from other angles. This one shows *two* enormous organs.

Musee des beaux arts. The woman is holding a bar of glowing hot iron; hence the little tray of charcoal in the foreground. Notice the burning witch in the background. See also this charming mural from Bayeaux featuring some hand-chopping legend of which I know nothing.

Did you know that if you type “justice de otton” into google, at the moment my flickr page comes out #1, and this rather more useful one is #2. How odd.

Bruxelles Midi. I don’t suppose I have to demonstrate that we are weirdos, but this should do it.

Pix wanted

Sciblogs has channels (e.g env, which is where I live, except for posts like this, which go onto chatter) and they are looking for new pix to adorn the banners, which will rotate on a weekly basis. The instructions are: “It’s not too hard: the image needs to be at least 465 pixels wide. Readers should send their photos to photos@scienceblogs.com. They should send only photos that they have the rights to (eg, photos they have taken themselves), and they should include a line of text to the effect that we have permission to use their photo on ScienceBlogs. They should also add how they’d like to be credited, and whether they would like a link to appear along with the credit. (If there are identifiable people in the photo, we will need to have their permission to post the photo.) People can also send us links to Flickr pages, or tag a photo on Flickr with “Sb-homepage,” and we will find it. They should make sure that the photos are licensed under Creative Commons with an “attribution only” or a “share alike” license.”

There you go.