See attachment

DSC_4112Good grief. So I try to gmail someone a message, and I happen to say “see attachment” in my text, and when I press “send” up pops a little box “I notice you said see attachemnt, but there isn’t one. Is that alright?” or somesuch.

Well, I thought it was interesting. This is (probably) Mr Asbo.

Coming soon: the thing none of you have noticed about the “key” papers 🙂

33 thoughts on “See attachment”

  1. Hm, doesn’t happen when I try it. You must qualify for a higher level of scrutiny. Or else they read your blog and are masking the message for those of us who’ve been warned ….


  2. Kmail has been doing this for years, which has prevented me a few times from forgetting the attachment. But I remember that the first time the friendly note popped up I was duly impressed. It’s not a big deal technology wise, but a nice move that the developers included it. You can even customize the tokens that it searches for.
    I got so used to it that I always make an effort to include the “see attachment” phrase and I since using a different mail client at work I managed a few times to forget the attachment.



  3. Ah, I had to change Gmail View (footer) to turn ON a standard view option for gmail (I had ‘Basic HTML’ selected). With that, the General tab under Settings adds Attachment settings I wasn’t seeing.


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