Another year in stoats

Subtitled As the days of my life are but grains of sand.

I’ve tried to not-choose the knockabout stuff, which is all great fun, but ephemeral. But some months were thin and I had little choice.

* Jan: On happiness
* Feb: The sleepwalkers
* Mar: Man slumped after hitting wall (see-also)
* Apr: North Korea ‘may not be performance art’, say experts
* May: Syria: the West makes the usual mistake – which I drag out not because its brilliant, nor because time has proved me wrong.
* Jun: Saturn’s hexagon. See-also Earth from Saturn.
* Jul: Up three to nine. See-also Happy Birthday to Watts’ paper!, an event none of us would wish to fail to mark (I look forward to its second unbirthday too; speaking of which, don’t forget Climategate 3.0 – well, how could you?)
* Aug: This year’s sea ice considered unexciting
* Sep: AR5: cursory review of chapter 4 (cryosphere) mass balance of Antarctica
* Oct: Wyatt and Curry part II: not waving but drowning
* Nov: Thrust
* Dec: Climate science is interesting and fun

Overall, a fairly thin year I’d say. Which was part of the reason for writing this.

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